Spring Boot Admin Server
Especially in microservice projects, the management and traceability of services is an important factor. We can include Spring Boot Admin Server and it provides a UI for the tracing. Spring Boot Admin Server works with Actuator and Euraka Server.
What is the Spring Boot Actuator?
Spring Boot Actuator provides us to get information about the application status. Spring Boot Admin need to Actuator for checking services health.
For Example:
autoconfig → Shows all autoconfig definitions.
env → Shows Spring’s ConfigurableEnvironment values.
info → Shows application information.
health → Shows app health.
/myService is any service and I need its status.
If myService is running “/myService/actuator/health” returns :
"status" : "UP"
1. How should create Admin Server?
1.1. We have to add Admin Server dependency to related pom.xml
1.2. We have to add some annotations to related main class.
1.3. We have to create application.yml like this:
2. We Should Create a Service for the Example
2.1. We have to add eureka-server, actuator dependencies to related pom.xml
2.2. We need have to some annotations to main.class
2.3. We have to application.yml like this:
Let’s check Admin Server.
It done. If you need euraka server you can read: