Spring Cloud Config Server
Why should we use Config Server?
Spring Cloud has lots of cloud libraries and each has a different purpose. In the project we may have too many services and servers, if a properties change, we should rebuild related services. This is an undesirable situation because its against to CI. We can manage all service’s properties files from a point with config server. Config server has a http base api and it redirect related configuration files to related service. Config server has git and file store integration. We will apply file store integration.
1. How to Create Config Server?
1.1. We have to add config server dependency to config server’s pom.xml.
1.2. We have to add some annotations to main class.
2. How to Create A Service That Connected Configuration Server?
We have to follow these steps for file store integration.
2.1. We have to add related dependency to service’s pom.xml
2.2. We have to create bootstrap.yml file to service’s resource folder.
3. Now we can add service’s config files to config server’s resource folder.
It’s done. In this way you can create a simple configuration server.